Who is BIC Asturias?
The European Business and Innovation Centre of Asturias BIC/CEEI Asturias - was created according to the Business Innovation Centre (BIC) model from the European Commission to encourage the creation and consolidation of innovative business in Asturias.
23 people from interdisciplinary backgrounds constitute the team of BIC Asturias. We are specialized in SERVICES FOR INNOVATIVE AND TECHNOLOGY-BASED COMPANIES, we assists the entrepreneur through all the stages of starting a business, from developing an innovative business idea to their development and acceleration.
More information www.ceei.es (also in English).
Our potential role within the project:
Being potentially our role a non-technological one, some initial ideas to explore with you as regards our role and possible inputs to the project from our part would be:
The European Business and Innovation Centre of Asturias BIC/CEEI Asturias - was created according to the Business Innovation Centre (BIC) model from the European Commission to encourage the creation and consolidation of innovative business in Asturias.
23 people from interdisciplinary backgrounds constitute the team of BIC Asturias. We are specialized in SERVICES FOR INNOVATIVE AND TECHNOLOGY-BASED COMPANIES, we assists the entrepreneur through all the stages of starting a business, from developing an innovative business idea to their development and acceleration.
- Promoting a business culture
- Comprehensive support in the creation and consolidation of innovative and technology-based companies: Specialist advisors offer assistance using clearly outlined methods to elaborate business plans, training in business management, help searching for partners and business monitoring.
- Facilitating access to financial resources for business projects: subsidies for technology-based companies, micro credits, capital risk measures, business angels etc.,by evaluating and validating business plans.
- As a business incubator
- Participating in specific projects: to generate value-added services for our clients with regional, national or European cooperation.
More information www.ceei.es (also in English).
Our potential role within the project:
Being potentially our role a non-technological one, some initial ideas to explore with you as regards our role and possible inputs to the project from our part would be:
- Design and Testing methodologies, activities to explore new business models and new business opportunities starting from R&D and innovation findings in the field of nutrition, food for elderly, eco-design, design for all (depending on final selection of ). They have in common their potential to be “technologies” for the creation of adaptation of specific goods for elderly people so arriving to the “transfer” of them to entrepreneurs or existing SMEs could close the circle…As regards concrete activities the outputs could be: guidelines, round tables, workshops, pilot projects…
- In the same way, offer our methodology and experience as advisors of business plans for these companies. We are an entity with more than 15 years of experience and specialized in support the creation and consolidation of innovative companies, especially those of firms of technological base.
- Offer us a a bridge (in collaboration with Prodintec which is the regional technological centre), to identify and select entrepreneurs and innovative companies to benefit from these findings. Once defined the technologies to apply it will de easy to focus them
Draft V.0 18/06/2010
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