A - a few answers to Paula's comments on:
- 2.6 aim "Develop processes model integration tools, methods and means"
Paula comment: What type of tools ? which partner is going to do that ?maybe we shoud be no so ambitious and put jus one think : eg : model integration tools "
My response: A kind of survey tool==> we have already done it for 2 various EU projects.
eg a tool called InnoNet, allowing through 35 questions to show 2 things:
- does the entrepreneur (and his company) WANTS ( innovation propension) to innovate ( innovation propension)
- CAN (innovation capabilities) he innovate (innovation capabilities)
This is a good way to introduce and to involve companies and entrepreneurs in an innovative approach
We have discuss this with AGRIA Florence and we think it should be interesting, especially when transferring to Business support organizations who are demanding such kind of tools.
But, because we are various organization as partners in the project, we have to consider that some tasks or subtasks will be adressed only by 2 or 3 partners : we guess that Ase and Päivi will not be intersted in such kind of companies experimentation. But in an other ways, they will spend much more time on others "technology" tasks that , for example, INNO8 will not adress
In summary, we can "easily" create such kind of tools and this should be a good deliverable for our regional authorities
- in same2.6 part, tasks in yellow
In my opinion, these are mainly tasks no objectives. I move some of them to the « aims » part. I Think the rest should be removed.
I agree with you, I delete it
- you are asking also: How are we going to experiment the model ? within a company ?
Yes, if we have the above mentioned "innovation fishing tool", we may experiment it on a few SMEs ( we intend 5 or 6 here, in Lorraine)
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