Dear All according to Olivier suggestion we (PULS) would like inform you about the progress of our work on BIO LIFE and ask your input.
PULS after contact with UMEA, HAMK decided to create the international questionnaire which allow us to evaluate present situation on the food market, nutritional knowledge, habits, preferences and expectations of our actors.
After discussion we propose to include in questionnaire the questions conc.
(1)elderly nutritional habits
(2) expectations regarding food
(3) health condition our 55+ (anthropometry, illnesses they suffered).
(4) knowledge conc. nutrition
(5) nutritional value in diets
Moreover each of us should evaluate present condition of our food markets for 55+ and food industry structure in our regions).
Therefore we would appreciate your any opinion and suggestions to improve our idea.
We encourage you to comment
Magdalena and Małgorzata
Hi Magdalena and Matgorzata,
I think too that with these five points are the key of our work. With these points, we should have a good state of the needs of elderly.
However, I have one question, how will you disseminate this questionnaire?
Best regards
Posted by: Olivier | 07/04/2011 at 15:35
Hi everyone!
I completely agree with Olivier and also think that with those points we can obtain a very good feedback for our project.
We also consider appropiate the idea of exploring the Food industry structure and the food markets for 55+ in a regional framework, task that we are now carrying out in parallel with the state of art.
Best Regards
Posted by: Roberto PARRONDO | 07/04/2011 at 17:42
Heloo BIO LIFE Partners,
Responding to Oliver question about disemination, we are going to divide our 55+ actors for surveyed groups, typical in our region/contry: with families at familly homes/on their own in community home – social service home
(The questions from questionaire will allow us to divide actors according to income, age, health status, sex etc.)
We are going to recruit the actors by snowball sampling method and will use the univesity contacts with social service homes in our area.We will work with the students of the dietetics and actors will be reviewed by direct method)
Actually we are collecting demographic data about our actors in Wielkopolska. According to this we will know the demografic structure our group.
Best Regards,
Posted by: Magdalena | 07/04/2011 at 22:03