Dear participant,
at the end of the project we have a sort of "white book" to do. In order to help us to write it , i have begun to write a note that is a kind of synthesis of our work. So please read the document and give me your help to finish it. When this part will be finished, i think we will have finished the first part of our "white book".
Téléchargement White book part1 v1
François could you let on the web page all the annexes of the documents. All these documents were posted on the web log but if someone( of our project or not) want to read it, it will be easier to find it if they are in a file and with a free access.
Thanks to all of you to send me your modification before the first half of september.
Best regards
About the "white book" that you mentioned, I´d like to give you my feedback.
- I think that it would be a good start to begin to describe the regions that are participating in this project and to mention the organizations that are involved in it too. For example, to include a map with all the regions would be very illustrative.
- Following this scheme, try to show a comparison among the regions in those aspects that are common by using graphics, charts, tables, pictures etc and then to finish the section with several final conclusions.(f.e., examples of solutions about nutritional needs)
- About the different sections of the document, I would start describing briefly the purpose of them so that the reader can also have a better understanding of them.
- Regarding the main objective of the project, the document includes some current solutions that try to solve some particular problems of the elderly. What about include some future actions (f.e. R&D projects) detected in the regions up to now???
Hope it is helpfull for you.
Best regards
Posted by: Roberto PARRONDO | 05/09/2011 at 11:19