Dear Partners, please find below the oviedo meeting report.
Download Oviedo meeting report
Roberto, Ana, in the name of the whole the group, I thank you for all you have done and all yours attentions.
We can keep in mind what is an Asturians meals with an infinity of dishes and always cider to drink with.
We are all gratefull.
I thank you all for the fruitful meeting of the 26th of October.
Now we have to work so good luck to the work you have to do
Best regards
Oviedo meeting report
26th October2011
• PULS: Magdalena CZLAPKA-MATYASIK and Malgorzata FEJFER
• CEEI Asturias: Roberto PARRONDO
• NFH: David BOBAL
• LORRAINE: Olivier FABRE and François ISSLER
1. Management point
During the first part of the meeting, we dealt with the report deadline for the next progress report. We tackled the problem met for the first period and the means to avoid meeting them another time.
To conclude this part, the next deadline for the progress report will be between the 15th of January and the 1st of February. About the financial report, the deadline will be the 15th of February.
2. White paper
In the second part, we tackled the plan of the “white paper”.
After lot of exchanges and discussions, we manage to get a common definition of the target of our “white paper”. Our target is the local authorities. The “white paper” has to goal to influence regional policy in order to develop and to help SMEs to do innovations about food for elderly.
Then, we have tackled the plan and the issues of the “white book”. For each part, it is necessary to do an explanation like an introduction in order to explain why we study the part. Then we could give the results of our states of arts, we could do a comparison between each regions. About trademarks given like an example, we are agree to do it if we could find a trademark of each region or if known in each region.
For each part or sub part, it will be interesting to do make an introduction and a conclusion.
About the introduction, Roberto is thinking that we have to add more informations about each region in order to present them. Everyone is ok so we will change it in the next version.
We decide that the plan of the white paper will be:
I. Different state of arts like the actual version
II. Recommendations and actions that could help SMEs according to ideas from our network and action found in each regions
In this second part, we have to do some recommendations in order to help policies to develop SMEs to develop the innovation for example by developing training for SME about universal design, by doing some workshops with some competences in order to help SMEs to do innovations
About the way to work together on this document, Olivier will have to modify the actual version. Then, to work on the document to do the second part about recommendations, we have to work on a unique version on which each of us will write his/her comments and finally Olivier will choose and will send to each of us the best version.
3. The things to be done
• About the things to be done, the first is to post on the weblog and as soon as possible the table of forces and weaknesses of each region. In the same time, we have to do the same with the best practices or actions existing in each region about food for elderly. These tables have to be posted on the weblog for the end of November. (Païvi asked us to send her all the best practices in each region for the week 45th of 2011)
With these datas, Olivier will be able to do a big table with all the regions.
• David BOBAL has to end the table with all the agrofood companies in each region for the end of November. People who don’t give him yet the informations that he needs have to send it to him very quickly.
• About the next press note, Olivier will prepare the next one in English language and then each partner translates and broadcasts it in his region.
• About the flyer, after we had corrected it today, Ana has to send it to us quickly and then each region has to translate it and to send to her the document in his native language. Then, Prodintec will be able to send us the version in each national language and we will be able to broadcast it.
• About the symposium, François explained us what we want to organize in Lorraine with Creator and the region Lorraine particularly: we would like to make a symposium where each partner will be obliged to come and will be able to invite an other person of each region (from company or university) in order to present our results and the network created in and with each region to local politicians, Lorraine companies…We would like to invite someone very famous in order to manage to get some interest from press, from politicians, from companies. At the end of the presentation, all the members of our group were agree with this kind of symposium.
• Finally, we have to contact a few companies, in each region, in order to grow the network and to inform them that there are business opportunities when dealing with elderly.
Biolife team in Oviedo meeting on October 26th, 2011: from left to right = Hamke TALKA, Ceei PARRONDO, Puls CZLAPKA-MATYASIK and FEJFER, Nfh BOBAL atttending the meeting