"Dear Sub-project participants
Thank you for your participation in the workshop in Häme.
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you about certain things. This letter will contain information about:
• The sub-project final report
• Possibilities of extending a project
Final report
• Attached to this message you can find a document which is a hint of what the final report will look like. Note. This is not the final report, just a similar one so that you can prepare. The real version of the final report will be distributed shortly.
• After the end of your final reporting period, both a progress report from the last six-month period and a final report regarding the whole sub-project period from each sub-project will have to be submitted.
Some of you have asked us about extensions of sub-project
durations. An extension of maximum 3 months is possible and can be
granted by the CREATOR working group.
Please take note of the following points before you ask for an extension.
• The reasons for extending project duration have to be well justified
• You can extend as a reason to cover costs concerning the last
progress report and the final report. However if you have a
decentralized FLC you you will always have costs for FLC after the
project duration.
• What if not all participants want to extend their duration?
Normally all sub-project participants need to be ok with the extension,
if you have an extra activity that will take place during the course of
the extension. However, if you are only extending for administrative
tasks such as writing the progress/final report not all participants
need to be active in the extension.
• An application will be sent to the LP stating the reasons for the extension. The deadline for the applications for extending sub-project durations is November 30th 2012.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your regional coordinator or the lead partner in Västerbotten.
With best regards
Susanna Lantz
Mini-programme manager
County administrative Board of Västerbotten"
You could find below the document enclosed with the email
I think in order to do the two report we need to do the extension for 3 months.
So please, send me an email with your approval in order to have all the opinion of the group on the subject before to do the request.
Best regards