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Dear Francois,

Thank you very much for this info. I agree with teh target population and entities, and the pre-requisites.

Regarding WP, I think that 9 WP for a project of 2 yeras are maybe too many. In my opinion WP7: transferring can be included in a more general and transversal WP.
In this sense, we can have WP0: Management, several specific WPs and the last WP can be called WPn Knowledge management. There, we can include the following tasks:

-Scientific and industrial advice (this will include advice from both academia and industry regarding teh current situation, may be it overlaps a little bit with teh state of the art of Wp1)
-Dissemination activities (publications, conferences, web page....)
-Transferring (the knowledge adquired during the project to industry, possible entrepreneurs, society...)

Of course, it is only a suggestion.

what are the activities foreseen in WP2 networking?

Best regards

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