Here are my comments (in red) on Paula's last note
"In my opinion, we should start filling up the CREATOR proposal template as soon as possible. But before that, we should clarify which is the objective of our proposal and the role of each of us, because I think is still not so clear (at least not for me) and because we are organizations with different natures and profiles in each region.
As far as I understood, our project will tackle some of the challenges identified in relation to the particular needs of the elderly people regarding food and it will aim at improving the efficiency of the innovation process looking for new formulas to bring knowledge to the food industry in order to develop new products/services/ companies that meet the needs of an increasingly ageing population. In this sense, the final target will be food-related companies and entrepreneurs ?.Yes, but also the BSO ( business support aorganizations) which have to assist and support those targets.
Regarding PRODINTEC´s role our main contribution in WP3 could be to develop guidelines of best practices in Europe absolutely and new opportunities detected regarding food packaging covering the needs of the elderly and the implementation of "design for all" methodologies in product design (transferring these tools ?) . We can also do similar things regarding Eco-design, but, now I don´t see the direct connection of this methodology with food and ageing people Yes, I think that due to the fact that we have chosen to to target a smaller domain ( food domain versus general business domains), the ecodesign concern is not anymore valid…
I guess we are the only partner working on that, so there won´t be an internal exchange of experiences with other partners. Am I right? Other areas could be nutrition for the elderly? but we only have one partner working on that as well? Here in Lorraine we are working on that too !!
I think that the best way is that the lead partcipants (Florence and Francois) start preparing the common template to be shared and defining the project => we are working here on this as you are proposing with the information of the partners, identifying possible roles and concrete areas to be analized. Then, the rest of the partners can give feed back, possible outputs, taks and new ideas, and finally elaborate the budget. OK here in Lorraine
Please let me know what you think "
I hope to be able with Florence to send you a version 0 of the job at the middle of august
Dear partners, thank you very much for your contributions.
I agree with Paula that our main challenge now is to concrete and clarify:
- the fields or concrete technologies to be analized&exchange of experiences
- the role of each of us in each WP. I think that technological or non-technological profile of the partner will make the difference.
Best regards