here is the excel sheet allowing us to compute the budget.
There are 2 EXCEL datasheets
1- file called "budget_yourname_V0" : it is the official datasheet you have to fill and send to program manager
It has 3 thumbnails
Please begin to fill the first thumbnail.
Then you have to fill the 2 other thumbnails................................... :

Because this is a tough job, we have prepared a 2nd datasheet called "BLF1" => this will help to fill those 2 thumbnails....
2- Here is the file BLF1 that you can use to compute your budget.
this file is more complicated because it has a lot of thumbnails:
- summary : summarize the time table by tasks (Tn)
- overall project: detailed the time table by (Tn) tasks and subtasks (Tn.m) => it give an overall view of the project
- S1detailed : detailed time table for semester 1
- S2detailed: detailed time table for semester 2
- S3detailde: detailed time table for semester 3
- S4detailed: detailed time table for semester 4
- overall project 24months: detailed on 24 months ( duration of our project) to prepare your budget computation
- Q1budget: detailed time table for semester 1 with budgeting by staff cost, travel & accommodation, administration cost, external cost and equipment cost
- S2budget : detailed time table for semester 2 with budgeting by staff cost,
travel&accommodation, administration cost, external cost and
equipment cost
- S3budget : detailed time table for semester 3 with budgeting by staff cost,
travel&accommodation, administration cost, external cost and
equipment cost
- S4budget : detailed time table for semester 4 with budgeting by staff cost,
travel&accommodation, administration cost, external cost and
equipment cost
So begin to fill the 4 last thumbnails, estimating your expenses: number of staff days, number of kilometers, cost of trips,..... for each task you intend to work
for example:
a) in semester 1, task T1.7 = Discussing (consortium) the issues and the requirements for BLf implementation
with 2 sub tasks: T1.7.1 Discussing the issues
T1.7.2 Preparing the Bio Life implementation: who should do what and how and where to find pertinent local datas
If you decide that sub task T1.7.1 will take 2 days and subtask T1.7.2 will take 0,5 days => T1.7 will take 2,5 days.
If you have to drive for discussing issues with a regional subpartner ==> you will spend 100 km and one lunch
- if your daily staffing cost is 300 €,
- if your km rate is 0,50€
- if a typical lunch is 12€
=> you will have following budget line:
wich means 812 € to claim expenses
b) Then for the blue items "preparing workshop" and "workshop3 Brescia", you should decided to attend the meeting => budget is now:
500 € for trip and hotel accomodation plus 2 days of staffing cost ( 2 times 300 €) plus parking at the airport plus......
Now, try to complete each semester sheet like this........ and you will have a 1st approach of your budget