Dear Partners,
I've received yestreday this e-mail with these documents:
Please find attached three templates for you upcoming first progress report. An activity report, a time sheet and a list of expenditure. (the list of expenditure and time sheet you've already been presented with)
Distribute these documents to your participants. Then as soon as possible after the end of the reporting period please follow the following process:
1. Each participant fill out the forms (Consult your regional FLC to find out what documents you are required to submit) and send it to their FLC. (+ a copy regional coordinator, please consult your coordinator to see if they want to see the report before you send it to the FLC or not.)
2. The FLC returns the forms with an approval of the costs.
3. The particpiants send their documents (including the activity report) to the lead participant. (And a copy of the approved costs to the regional coordinator)
4. The lead participant compiles a joint progress report for the entire sub-project.
5. The lead participant sends the joint report to the Lead Partner of CREATOR (Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten)
FLC = First Level Control
So please find these documents:
report document: Téléchargement Sub-project progress report template
For swedish and polish partners there are some changes about timesheet and list of expenditure, cretaor want you use thes documents:
best regards